Алцыбеев Владислав Владимирвоич
Рассматривается задача минимазации отклонений орбиты пучка заряженных частиц в синхротронах, вызванной погрешностью юстировки квадруполей. Разработан метод оптимизации траектории орбиты, основанный на применении роевых вычислений и метода градиентного спуска. Приведены результаты численных экспериментов.
The problem of minimizing the deviations of the orbit of a beam of charged particles in synchrotrons caused by the alignment error of the quadrupoles is considered. A method for optimizing the orbit trajectory based on the use of swarm computations and the gradient descent method has been developed. The results of numerical experiments are presented.
Reference2 articles.
1. V. Altsybeyev, V. Kozynchenko. Development of the distributed information system for the cooperative work under the design and optimization of charged particle accelerators // Cybernetics and Physics. 2019. Vol. 8. Issue 4. P 195-198.
2. V. Altsybeyev, V. Kozynchenko. An optimization approach for minimization of charged particles orbit deviation in synchrotron and transport channels systems caused by magnetic field tolerances // Stability and Control Processes: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Vladimir Zubov.