To conduct a web-based survey concerning patient’s perspective in the migraine cure.
Material and Methods
A total of 1,102 patients fitting the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD-3) migraine criteria, seeking medical care at the Brain Research Institute at Albert Einstein Hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from January to December 2015, participated in the survey. The online-based survey was accessed via the institute’s website and consisted of demographic data, a description of migraine symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, and the patient’s opinion of migraine cure and which treatment they would consider taking.
Migraine intensity was significantly higher in female participants than male participants. Chronic migraine tended to affect female participants more than male participants. There was a significant difference in the rate of migraine cure belief between patients with episodic and chronic migraine.
Some points that were important to migraineurs have been identified in this study. Ultimately, the findings of this study may facilitate the migraine treatment decision process, by providing a better understanding of patients’ perspectives and beliefs, thus creating a more friendly communication between migraineurs and care providers and hopefully, improving the quality of life of patients.