1. National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
It is established that the organization of fire extinguishing with the use of gel-forming compounds is a promising direction to increase the efficiency of extinguishing, especially in multi-storey buildings and structures of various functional purposes. Given the shortcomings of existing technical solutions for the use of gel-forming compounds for effective fire extinguishing, the need to develop new structures (spray barrels) is justified. The proposed solutions should ensure, above all, the safety of the fire rescuer. New designs of spray barrels must have a distance of supply of gelling compounds to make work of the operator safe, as well as meet the general technical requirements for fire extinguishers. An autonomous installation of extinguishing with gelling compounds for remote fire extinguishing by plane-radial jets of components of gelling compounds has been developed. It is proposed to fix the spray barrels with a special device to guide them to the object that has to be extinguished with verification of the angles to the horizon, angles of deviation relative to the plane of aiming, the height and width of the symmetrical placement. In this manner, it allows more efficient feeding at a distance of up to 10 meters of the two components of the gelling compounds and prevents premature or delayed mixing. Full-scale samples of RS-10 spray barrels were designed and manufactured to supply flat-radial jets of gel-forming compounds at a distance of up to 10 m. The method of optimal planning of experiments was used to calculate rational values of geometric parameters of the initial cross-section of the RS-10 spray barrel. The problem of 4-factor (second-order) optimal planning of the experiment of the process of plane-radial jet supply by means of RS-10 spray barrels is formulated and carried out. The main design parameters of the spray barrel (cutout of the rigid plate sector and its thickness) are determined, which correspond to the area of rational geometric parameters. The obtained results can be used in the design of extinguishing systems with gelling compounds
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
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