1. National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
It is established that the technologies of artificial intelligence determine the state of implementation of digitalization and socio-economic development of the state. In view of this, it is proved that it is necessary to study the peculiarities of the legal regulation of digitalization and the state of public policy. With this in mind, the greatest attention is paid to the analysis of the provisions of the Concept of Artificial Intelligence Development in Ukraine (2020). It was found that the Concept contains a number of terms that require clarification, namely: "artificial intelligence industry", "state policy in the field of legal regulation of artificial intelligence industry", "public administration" and so on. It is reasonable to consider "industry" in the context of "sphere", and "public policy" as a component of "public administration". In addition, it is recommended to bring the legal terminology (defined in the Concept) in line with its scientific and theoretical characteristics.
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
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