Site-vibration assessment for the SKIF SYNCHROTRON


Dergach P. A.1,Baranov G. N.2,Karyukina K. Yu.2,Drobchik A. N.3,Yablokov A. V.1


1. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS; Novosibirsk State University

2. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS; Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS; Synchrotron Radiation Facility SKIF, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS

3. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS


The Siberian ring source of photons (SKIF) is a new fourth-generation synchrotron light source currently under construction in Koltsovo city, Russia. The beam stability of modern synchrotron sources, characterized by low emittance, is sensitive to insignificant levels of ground vibrations. We assessed the seismic noise variation from external sources recorded at the construction site of the SKIF. For the frequency range 1–20 Hz, the transmission coefficients for the vertical and horizontal recording components were 0.38 and 0.725, respectively. In the frequency range 20–100 Hz – 0.12 and 0.06, respectively. Analysis of experimental data shows the effectiveness of suppressing high-amplitude external noise in the frequency range of 2-100 Hz when transmitting vibrations from the ground to the SKIF storage ring basement. The coefficients determined for the basement match well with the design model.


Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics (SB RAS)

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