1. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS
2. Institute of Archeology and Ethnography SB RAS
3. Geoscan Group
The archaeological sites Aul-Koshkul-1 and Novaya Kurya 1 located on the territory of the Novosibirsk region were studied. The effectiveness of UAV photography in detection of archaeological objects that are weakly expressed in the relief is shown. The world experience of using UAV photography in relation to the solution of search archaeological problems is considered, a brief overview of the hardware used is given. An effective method of obtaining orthophotoplans and relative elevation maps of the day surface is described in detail. This method makes it possible to identify new archaeological objects on the territory of the studied sites.
Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics (SB RAS)
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2 articles.