
Mestnikov A. E.1,Kudyakov A. I.2,Rozhin V. N.1


1. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University

2. Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building


One of the most effective developments of energy saving in the production of Portland cement used worldwide, is joint grinding of Portland cement clinker with injected mineral additives, such as pozzolanic rocks, ashes and slags.The aim of this work is to substantiate the possibility of the quality cement production using joint grinding of Portland cement clinker with natural mineral additives with a view to the of production location.River (quartz-feldspar) sands of the Lena basin and large-tonnage raw materials (zeolitecontaining rocks of the Khonguruu deposit) are considered as mineral additives to Portland cement. The study uses both standard test methods and the X-ray phase analysis for binders and concretes.The activity of the mineral additives to Portland cement is studied. The main properties of clinker, gypsum stone and mineral additives are studied to organize the production of quality Portland cement and products for the support of construction projects in the North-Eastern part of the Arctic and the North of Russia. The effect from additives and fineness of zeolitecontaining clinker and quartz-feldspar sand is studied relative to the thickness and setting time of the cement paste and cement mortar strength.It is shown that the types CEM II/A-P 32.5N and CEM II / A-P 42.5N Portland cement can be produced from imported Portland cement clinker and local mineral additives saving 5–15 % Portland cement clinker.


Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building

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