
Yastremsky D. A.1,Abaydullina T. N.1,Kudyakov A. I.2


1. Tyumen State Oil And Gas University

2. Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building


High-quality and durable asphalt pavement ensures safe and comfortable traffic, optimal logistics costs, territory attractiveness to construction investments, and industrial development. With constantly increasing loads on road pavements, it is necessary to improve the asphalt quality by introducing additives into the mixture, design methodology, scientific justification for the selection and preparation of raw materials. The paper proposes the development algorithm of crushed-stone and mastic asphalt modified by the new stabilizing additive, which consists of 90 % of cellulose fiber from waste paper, 5 % rubber powder, and 5 % bitumen. The optimal particle size distribution of the mineral component in the crushed-stone and mastic asphalt is considered to be 73% of crushed stone with fractions of 15–20, 10–15 and 5–10 mm, 16 % of dolomite sand from crushing screenings, 11 % of mineral powder, 0.4 % of stabilizing additive and 5.5 % of bitumen. The compressive strength of the developed composition is 2.3 times higher than that meeting the requirements of GOST 31015–2002 for the climatic zone II. The research results are confirmed by pilot-industrial tests in constructing the road pavement in Tyumen.


Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building

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