
Shabanov E. A.1,Prostov S. M.1,Gerasimov O. V.1


1. Kuzbass State Technical University


Purpose: The aim of this work is the operational electrophysical method of the control for contamination and purification of soil from oil products and the identification of changes in the soil properties in electrochemical processing to determine rational modes of processing.Methods: Investigations are performed on the laboratory setup including the two -electrode scheme of electric treatment of the artificially polluted soil .The setup is equipped with a system of micro sensors of specific electrical resistance. Traditional laboratory tests are used to determine the physical and mechanical properties of soils. The possibility of control for soil purification by electrochemical method using a system of continuous operational geophysical monitoring is considered.Results: Changes in the physical properties of contaminated soils are experimentally confirmed when exposed to the electric current. A physical model is created for coagulation of oil products in pores during the electrical processing. It increases the amount of sand and clay components with changes in the electrical resistance of soil. The physical processes in the clean and polluted soil are compared. It is shown that when electric current passes through contaminated soils, oil products in pores transfer to a solid, less toxic state, which leads to a change in the specific electrical soil resistance throughout the zone processed. This pattern should be used to control soil decontamination.


Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building

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