Compression and tension tests of wooden elements with glued steel plates


Chaikin E. A.1,Deordiev S. V.1


1. Siberian Federal University


   The use of classical elements in spatial structures of prefabricated buildings is inefficient due to a design complexity and specific quantity of metal in the assembled components. The paper studies the durability, stability and deformability of wooden elements with glued metal plates working in a multiply connected structure under compressive and tensile loads. The experiment series include maximum loads causing the loss of stability and destruction of prototypes as well as deformation of wooden and metal elements. As a result, the dependences are suggested for the carrying capacity of elements on the load type, thickness and depth of the glued steel plate, and the dependence of tension and compression of elements on the efforts. The latter can be applied in calculations under the strain scheme and modeling of the joint compliance of the multiply connected structure.


Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building


General Medicine

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