1. Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering
Purpose: The aim of this work is to show how smart cities can drive the reorganization and efficiency of existing cities.Design/methodology/approach: The paper describes modern achievements in the field of a smart city, the latest achievements of cities and technological solutions they introduce. The paper analyzes when and why this concept appears, development stages and prospects of this concept. The world problems of the urbanization process in new territories and ways to solve them.Research findings: The paper considers relevant reports and studies highlighting the problems and solutions of urbanization and the ecological situation in cities, the negative impact on the environment.Practical implications: One of the ways to solve such problems is the implementation of a set of solutions included in the smart city concept. How modern technological solutions and large data volume assist in the communal and economic resource management, overcome environmental challenges of today and make the city more accessible to its residents. How historical cities can actively integrate and improve urban environment with minimal intervention.Originality/value: Attempts are made to answer whether cities need to become smart, what the consequences may be. As a consequence of emerging issues, many problem must be discussed in future research.
Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building
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3 articles.