Numerical simulation of subgrade soil deformation properties for prediction of earthquake resistance of structures


Sokolov M. V.1,Prostov S. M.1,Gerasimov O. V.1


1. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University


Purpose: The aim of this paper is to predict the earthquake resistance in strengthening the subgrade soils of structures. Numerical simulation of the total increment of seismic intensity during the artificial transformation and strengthening of subgrade soils based on geomechanical modeling.Research methods: Classical mathematical methods for modeling subgrade soils in a plane nonlinear problem.Originality: A new approach is developed to determine the total increment of seismic intensity using the ratio between the subsidence values of building foundations and structures before and after soil strengthening. The paper presents the prediction results of changes in seismic resistance of real objects, based on engineering and geologi cal surveys and numerical computer models. It is shown that due to the transformation of subgrade soils, the earthquake resistance can be reduced by more than 0.5 points.Practical implication: This technique can be used to adjust the score for individual objects and map the boundaries of seismic zones.


Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building

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