Stress-strain state of sandwiched coating and its node connections under static load


Deordiev S. V.1,Belichenko M. Y.1,Krasiev M. A.1,Butenko M. V.1


1. Siberian Federal University


Today, the interest in wooden structures is being increased mainly because wood is an environmentally friendly material. In this regard, quite new wooden materials are developed between the 20th and 21st centuries. Improved are the methods for joining wooden elements and joints of structures. The paper presents the experimental studies of the sandwiched coating consisting of two frame work blocks, and nodal connections under the static load. It is shown that the stress distributes in the coating and on the surface of the nodal connections. The stresstrain curves are suggested for the nodal connections and structural elements of the coating.


Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building

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