Business model of lowrise construction development


Gusakova N. V.1


1. Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building


The paper considers the problems of affordable housing market, construction quality improvement with the introduction of saving technologies, modern materials for comfortable living conditions for citizens through the housing policy to solve important socio-economic problems.The aim of this work is to develop new regional programs for low-rise construction, which will contribute to an increase in the volume of low-rise construction under commission, improvement of quality and living conditions, compliance with the requirements for energy efficiency and accessibility in remote areas of specific climatic conditions for certain categories of citizens employed in socially significant industries.The proposed approach to the regional program development of low-rise construction will increase its efficiency of regional strategic planning through the interaction between the subjects of the program implementation based on the formation of base and variable models of the business mechanism of low-rise construction. Using this approach, certain categories of citizens employed in socially significant industries will be provided with inexpensive, comfortable and energy-efficient houses in remote regions with specific climatic conditions.


Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building

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