Evolution of approaches to wooden architecture preservation


Nezvitskaya T. V.1


1. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering; Kizhi State Historical, Architectural and Ethnographic Memorial Estate


The article analyzes the conservation of wooden architecture on the example of wooden temples of Zaonezhie. In the 21st century, with numerous losses in wooden churches, the problem of finding an effective approach to preserving the fragile wooden heritage of Russia becomes more and more relevant.The aim of this work is to identify approaches to preservation of wooden architecture, consider the positive and negative sides of the identified approaches in terms of preservation of the architectural heritage of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries.Theoretical and practical experience of preservation of wooden architecture in these centuries is studied and summarized in relation to wooden temples of Zaonezhie. A comparative analysis of preservation approaches is carried out. The SWOT analysis provides an objective assessment of positive and negative factors of preserving the wooden church in the region, and opportunities and threats to this monument.The paper identifies and classifies approaches to preservation of wooden monuments, the Church of Transfiguration of the Lord of Kizhi pogost and temples of Zaonezhie, in particular.The proposed classification of approaches makes it possible to objectively assess the need for their use in preserving the wooden architecture in each specific situation. The paper considers the regional factors, which can contribute to the introduction of wooden temples in the cultural turnover. The research results can be updated on historical wooden buildings, taking into account their individual characteristics.


Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building

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1. Laser 3D scanning of architectural monuments;Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo arkhitekturno-stroitel'nogo universiteta. JOURNAL of Construction and Architecture;2022-12-20








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