Influence of non-standard particles on the concrete system matrix


Shekhovtsov V. V.1,Skripnikova N. K.1,Volokitin G. G.1,Volokitin O. G.1,Semenovykh M. A.1,Vlasov V. A.1


1. Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building


This paper describes the influence of non-standard particles on the matrix of the concrete system. It is found that in the concrete dispersion systems, the formation and development of the spatial structures occurs with the different degree of their occupation with non-standard particles. The introduction of non-standard particles in the concrete matrix leads to the formation of strong structural bonds due to the particle interaction through the adsorption and diffusion layers. The latter appear during the formation of sub-microcrystalline helium surrounded by newly formed dispersion regions (C-S-H). The scanning electron microscopy is used to verify the formation of the structural bonds in the concrete system matrix.


Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building

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