1. Report of the joint committee on the use of antibiotics in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine (Swann Committee). London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1969.
2. Food safety: the agricultural use of antibiotics and its implications for human health. RCED-99-74. Washington, DC: United States General Accounting Office, 1999.
3. Strategy to address the problem of agricultural antimicrobial use and the emergence of resistance: USDA/HHS response to the House and Senate reports: Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and related agencies, appropriations bill, 2000: antibiotic resistance in livestock. Washington, DC: Food and Drug Administration, 2000.
4. Response to the House and Senate reports: Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and related agencies, appropriations bill, 2000: antibiotic resistance in livestock. Washington, DC: US Department of Agriculture, Health and Human Services, 2000.
5. The medical impact of antimicrobial use in food animals. Geneva: World Health Organization, 1996.