1. Communication has always been a key component of veterinary medicine and developing the veterinarian-client relationship. Recent studies have shown small animal veterinarians’ attire can impact client perceptions of their medical knowledge, ability, and personal traits. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how equine veterinarians’ appearance impacts client perceptions of them;Erin O’Neil personal Facebook page
2. Communication has always been a key component of veterinary medicine and developing the veterinarian-client relationship. Recent studies have shown small animal veterinarians’ attire can impact client perceptions of their medical knowledge, ability, and personal traits. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how equine veterinarians’ appearance impacts client perceptions of them;Triangle Area Equestrians Facebook page
3. Communication has always been a key component of veterinary medicine and developing the veterinarian-client relationship. Recent studies have shown small animal veterinarians’ attire can impact client perceptions of their medical knowledge, ability, and personal traits. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how equine veterinarians’ appearance impacts client perceptions of them;Minnesota Horses Facebook page
4. Orthopaedic physician attire influences patient perceptions in an urban inpatient setting;Jennings JD,2019
5. Understanding the role of physician attire on patient perceptions: a systematic review of the literature—targeting attire to improve likelihood of rapport (TAILOR) investigators;Petrilli CM,2015