Importance of Dietary Habit in Today’s Prospective in Light of Ayurveda



Health is the ultimate product of food and its proper digestion and metabolism. If we take proper food, then there is no need of medicine. But now a day’s food habits are changing dramatically. Good eating habits which are established in childhood often carry into adulthood. In present era, every individual prefer junk food, snacks, processed food and skipping breakfast. Their children also adopt the same pattern of diet; therefore they are more susceptible to various disorders of gastro-intestinal tract. Ayurveda is the ancient science of healing which emphasizes on restoration of health as well as the treatment of diseases. Acharya stated that health depends upon bhojana (food), bhojana depend on vidhi and vidhi depends on vikalp. Ayurveda described diet, dietary habits on dincharya (daily basis), ritucharya (seasonal basis), ashthvidh aahar visheshaayatana, dwadash pravicharna etc. According to Ayurveda homeostasis in vata, pitta and kapha doshas (humors) brings arogya (health) while their derangements cause roga (disease). Food has power of aggravating, pacifying or balancing these doshas (humors). By adopting this Ayurvedic pattern of diet and dietary regimens we can achieve a healthy and disease free life


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Reference14 articles.

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4. Shastri K, Chaturvedi G; Charak Samhita, Vidyotini Hindi Commentary, published by Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Reprint edition 2013, Viman Sthana chapter-1/21(1-7), p. 680.

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