I-wave heat therapy produces microwave-like energy using a high-frequency electromagnetic field to achieve an optimal hyperthermia effect on the targeted organs. One of the advantages of this non-invasive and effective method is that it uses the body's natural response to the application of heat to produce a desired therapeutic effect. This innovative, non-invasive and very promising method, which also requires no anesthesia, is performed in the practitioner's office on an outpatient basis. Regarding urological indications, it is Benign Prostate Hypertrophy and inflammatory prostatitis including pelvic dysfunction that will be mainly treated. However, many other indications are applicable and some are under evaluation. In this paper, we present a review of one of these techniques concerning the principle of i-wave external thermotherapy. In a separate article we will present our patient group and the first clinical results in Switzerland.
Uniscience Publishers LLC
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