To Determine Preference of Shoulder Pain Management by General Physicians in Lahore



Objective: To determine the preference of general practitioners how they diagnose and treat the shoulder pain. Methodology: Descriptive cross sectional study were carried out among general physicians of the Lahore. Total 268 physicians were enrolled in the study and only 221 physicians responded. Data was collected by convenient sampling technique and physician were inquired about different aspects (diagnosis, investigation, treatment and referral) of management of shoulder pain. Results: Total 221 physicians participated in the study that included 133 male and 88 female physicians. Result showed 68 and 83 physician were confident in the diagnosis of glenohumeral osteoarthritis and rotator cuff tear respectively. The most recommended investigation was radiographs of affected joint. Study revealed that 58 physicians also refer the patients to the physiotherapists for management. Conclusion: Results of this study showed the preference of general physician about the management of shoulder pain. They diagnosed the patients of rotator cuff tear and glenohumeral arthritis and as an investigation they mostly recommend the radiograph. Their patients were being improved with physiotherapy in addition to symptomatic treatments.


Uniscience Publishers LLC







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