According to DSM-5 criteria, risk factors can be pre-traumaic, peri-traumatic, and post-traumatic.The pre-traumatic factors are cited as temperamental, environmental, genetic and physiological. The peri-traumatic (environmental) factors are family dysfunctionality, and lack of social support, stressful environment among others. Post-traumatic factors are the those of the trauma, the greater the magnitude of trauma,the greater the likelihood of PTSD. The study was to establish the risk factors of PTSD and Depression. The study took place in 8 selected children’s homes in Kajiado County, Kenya. Based on Casagrande sample size calculation, a sample size of 160 bereaved adolescents aged 12-18 years who met the inclusion criteria was sampled. A purposive sampling technique was used and data was collected using Socio demographic Questionnaires, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) PTSD Reaction Index (Adolescents version) and Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI). Data was analyzed descriptively and inferentially using IBM SPSS (version20) statistical software. The study showed that risk factors of PTSD among bereaved adolescents was gender and living with guardians. Gender is a risk factor for developing PTSD in p=0.04 for males and p=0.020 for females and living with guardians after bereavement seen at p value of 0.20.The data indicated that gender and living with a guardian is a risk factor for developing PTSD and Depression among bereaved adolescents.
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