1. Alain Pellet, ‘Kommentierung zu Artikel 38’. bknz: Zimmermann/Tomuschat/Oellers-Frahm/Tams (ed.), The Statute of the International Court of Justice. A Commentary. 2. Baskı (2012), Oxford: Univ. Press, Art.38, Rn.337 vd.
2. Alexander Kmentt, ‘Can the NPT and the TPNW co-exist?’, (2019), Mayıs, Beyond Nuclear International.
3. Andreas Arnauld, Völkerrecht (4.Baskı), Müller Verlag 2019, Heidelberg.
4. Andreas Paulus ve Johann Ruben Leiß, ‘Article 103’, bknz.: Simma/Khan/Nolte/Paulus (ed.), The Charter of the United Nations. A Commentary, Vol. II., 3. Baskı (2012), Oxford University Press.
5. Bonnie Docherty, ‘Nuclear Umbrella Arrangements and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons’ 2018 June, International Human Rights Clinic (IHRC), Harvard Law School.