Fourteen Threatened Native Trees of Bangladesh: Which Pretreatment Generates Maximum Germination Percent?


Hasnat G.N.1,Hossain M.1,Bhuiyan M.1,Alam M.1


1. Chittagong University


Effect of different pre-sowing treatments on germination of fourteen threatened native tree species of Bangladesh was studied to find out the appropriate pre-sowing treatments to speed up germination rate of the required and desired species. Hard coated fruits and seeds of Canarium resiniferum, Castanopsis indica, Protium serratum, Quercus acuminata and Vitex peduncularis were treated with sand paper, nicking, cold water, hot water, H2SO4 and HCl. Seeds of Brownlowia elata, Dichopsis polyantha, Firmiana colorata, Lophopetalum fimbriatum, Pterospermum acerifolium, Pterospermum semisagittatum, Pterygota alata and Sterculia villosa were sown in polybags, propagator house and nursery bed in normal, flat and in 450 angle position. Hard fruits of Castanopsis indica sown in polybags without any treatment showed 25% germination but increased to 67% when fruits were treated with sand paper rubbing at the distal end. Seeds of Lophopetalum fimbriatum germinated only 26% when sown normally in polybags but when sown in propagator house it increased to 90%. Different species response differently with pre-sowing treatments but in general pre-sowing treatments increases the germination percent in all the species.


Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh

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