Cultivation of Kanak kaich (Thyrsostachys oliveri), a rural livelihood and industrial Multipurpose bamboo in Tripura state of India


Banik Ratan1234


1. Bangladesh Forest Research Institute (BFRI)

2. International Bamboo and Rattan Organisation (INBAR), South Asia

3. Tripura - Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Project

4. National Mission on Bamboo Application (NMBA)


Kanak kaich (Thyrsostachys oliveri Gamble) is an important bamboo crop to the rural economy of Tripura state of India. As per local information the species has been introduced to the state less than a hundred years ago through human migration. A brief note on species vegetative and reproductive behavior has been described. The existing cultivation, management and utilization practices are discussed. The Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR) from a one hectare land cultivation of Kanak kaich bamboo is about 67 percent. So the cultivation of this bamboo is much profitable than a number of perennial crops. The present trend of trade of this bamboo to other parts of India and abroad were also highlighted.


Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh

Reference22 articles.

1. Banik R.L., 1997. The edibility of shoots of Bangladesh bamboo and their continuous harvesting effect on productivity. Bang. J. For. Sc., 26(1), pp.1-10.

2. Banik, R.L., 2000. Silviculture and Field-guide to Priorit Bamboos of Bangladesh and South Asia. Published by GoB/BFRI, Chittagong. p187.

3. Banik, R.L., 2004. Bamboos of Tripura. Indian Forester, 130(9), pp. 1081-1083.

4. Banik R.L., 2014. An introductory note on Kanak kaich bamboo of Tripura. Manjari- a monthly Newsletter of NTFP Centre of Excellence, volume 3(3), pp.5-9. Deptt of Forest Tripura. Published by NTFPCE Tripura JICA project.

5. Banik, R.L, 2016. Silviculture of South Asian priority bamboos. Tropical Forestry, Published by Springer Nature, Singapore. p341.







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