1. 2014 50Hertz Transmission GmbH; Amprion GmbH; TenneT TSO GmbH; TransnetBW GmbH Grid development plan 2014 second draft
2. 2014 45th CIGRE Session Paris France B. Rusek K. Vennemann J. Velásquez Special requirements regarding VSC converters for operation of hybrid AC/DC overhead lines
3. Entso‐E: ‘10‐year network development plan 2014’
4. 2015 11th Int. Conf. on AC and DC Power Transmission Birmingham UK E. Spahic F. Schettler D. Varma Impact of the DC technology on transmission grids
5. 2015 Across Borders – HVDC Systems and Market Integration Cigré Lund Symp. Lund Sweden M. Heidemann D. Eichhoff C. Petino A systematic study on fault currents in multiterminal HVDC grids