1. 2006 PISPSD& IC's Italy M.A. Gajda S.W. Hodgskiss L.A. Mounfield N.T. Irwin Industrialisation of resurf stepped oxide technology for power transistors
2. 2007 IEEE 19th Int. Symp. on Power Semiconductor Devices and IC's ISPSD'07 P. Moens F. Bauwens B. Desoete Record‐low on‐resistance for 0.35 μm based integrated XtreMOS TM transistors 57 60
3. 2006 IEEE Int. Electron Devices Meeting IEDM‘06 F. Moens F. Bauwens J. Baele XtreMOS: the first integrated power transistor breaking the silicon limit 1 4
4. 2009 Proc. CED Spanish C.F. Tong I. Cortes P.A. Mawby Static and dynamic analysis of split‐gate resurf stepped oxide (RSO) MOSFETs for 35 V applications 250 253
5. 2007 Proc. ISPSD& IC Korea P. Goarin G.E.J. Koops R. Dalen C. Le Cam J. Saby Split‐gate resurf stepped oxide (RSO) MOSFETs for 25 V applications with record low gate‐to‐drain charge 61 64