1. 2008 Proc. 34th Annual Conf. IEEE Industrial Electronics Orlando Z. Ye F. Greenfeld Z. Liang Offline SEPIC converter to drive the high brightness white LED for lighting applications 1994 2000
2. Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conf. and Exposition APEC‐2014 S. Li H. Chen S.C. Tan Critical design issues of retrofit light‐emitting diode light bulb 531 536
3. 2015 Proc. IEEE Int. Autumn Meeting on Power Electronics and Computing Ixtapa S. Iturriaga‐Medina P.R. Martinez‐Rodriguez Juarez‐Balderas A buck converter controller design in an electronic drive for LED lighting applications 1 5
4. 2008 Proc. 4th IET Conf. Power Electronics Machines and Drives York D.R. Nuttall R. Shuttleworth G. Routledge Design of a LED street lighting system 436 440
5. LEDs for Solid-State Lighting: Performance Challenges and Recent Advances