1. ‘Worst-month statistics’, XVIth Plenary Assembly, CCIR Report 723–2, 1986 Vol. V, Dubrovnik
2. ‘Propagation data and prediction methods required for earth-space telecommunication system’, XVlth Plenary Assembly, CCIR Report 564-3, 1986 Vol. V, Dubrovnik
3. ‘Data banks used for testing prediction methods in sections E, F and G of volume V’. CCIR Document 5/378 (Rev. 1)-E, CCIR Study Groups Period 1982–1986, October 1985
4. ‘Rain attenuation statistics in the worst month; influence of the atmosphere on earth-satellite radio propagation at frequencies above 10GHz’, COST project 205, Report EUR 9923 EN, 1985 also inAlta Frequenza,LIV, (3), 182–193