1. Audi Travolution 2010. Available athttp://www.audi.com.au/au/brand/en/tools/news/pool/2010/06/audi_travolution_.html accessed 22 May 2013
2. BMW GREEN Wave project 2009. Available athttp://www.themotorreport.com.au/46137/bmw‐pushing‐for‐smarter‐adaptive‐traffic‐lights accessed 22 May 2013
3. US Department of Transportation Research and Innovation Technology Administration. ITS Research Fact Sheets DSRC: The Future of Safer Driving. Available athttp://www.its.dot.gov/factsheets/dsrc_factsheet.htm accessed 22 May 2013
4. Approximate Dynamic Programming
5. Quantifying the impact of probe vehicle localisation data errors on signalised junction control