Measuring the driver's perception error in the traffic accident risk evaluation


Eboli Laura1,Mazzulla Gabriella1ORCID,Pungillo Giuseppe1


1. Department of Civil EngineeringUniversity of CalabriaVia P. Bucci 46/BRende87036Italy


Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)


Law,Mechanical Engineering,General Environmental Science,Transportation

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2. Research on Quantification of Personalized Risk Perception Based on Driving Style;Proceedings of the 2022 10th International Conference on Information Technology: IoT and Smart City;2022-12-23

3. Evaluation of Takeover Time Performance of Drivers in Partially Autonomous Vehicles Using a Wearable Sensor;Journal of Sensors;2022-07-22

4. Research on Intelligent Perception and Sensor Network Technology of Urban Traffic Based on Energy Tree Model;2022 International Conference on Information System, Computing and Educational Technology (ICISCET);2022-05

5. An Intelligent Vehicle Alarm User Terminal System Based on Emotional Identification Technology;Scientific Programming;2022-02-14







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