Initial state‐dependent implementation of logic gates with memristive neurons


Rajki Franciska1,Horváth András1ORCID,Ascoli Alon2,Tetzlaff Ronald3


1. Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics Peter Pazmany Catholic University Budapest Hungary

2. Department of Electronics and Telecommunications Politecnico di Torino Turin Italy

3. Institute of Circuits and Systems TUD | Dresden University of Technology Dresden Germany


AbstractThis study introduces a simple memristor cellular neural network structure, a minimalist configuration with only two cells, designed to concurrently address two logic problems. The unique attribute of this system lies in its adaptability, where the nature of the implemented logic gate, be it AND, OR, and XOR, is determined exclusively by the initial states of the memristors. The memristors' state, alterable through current flow, allows for dynamic manipulation, enabling the setting of initial conditions and consequently, a change in the circuit's functionality. To optimize the parameters of this dynamic system, contemporary machine learning techniques are employed, specifically gradient descent optimization. Through a case study, the potential of leveraging intricate circuit dynamics is exemplified to expand the spectrum of problems solvable with a defined number of neurons. This work not only underscores the significance of adaptability in logical circuits but also demonstrates the efficacy of memristive elements in enhancing problem‐solving capabilities.


Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

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