1. Borten, K., ‘HIPAA security made simple. Practical advice for compliance’, (HCPro Inc., Maryland 2003)
2. HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, 1996: US Public Law 141-190, USC 1320d
3. EU Directives: Directive 95/46/EEC about the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and free movement of data; Directive 99/93/CE of the Parliament and European Council about electronic signature; Directive 200/31/CE on electronic commerce and Directive 98/27/CE on consumer protection
4. Spanish laws: Digital signature RD14/99; Regulations for personal data protection RD949/99; LOPD (organic law on personal data protection) LO15/99; Patient autonomy law and healthcare information L41/2002; LSSI (law for the services of the information society) and electronic commerce L34/2002
5. Data security and protection in cross-institutional electronic patient records