1. Wind Energy: ‘A vision for Europe in 2030’. Advisory Council of the European Wind Energy Technology Platform 2006, available at http://www.windplatform.eu/fileadmin/ewetp_docs/Structure/061003Vision_final.pdf
2. Ocean Energy: ‘Development & evaluation protocol. Part 1: wave power’. Hydraulics & Maritime Research Centre, September 2003, available at: http://www.marine.ie/NR/rdonlyres/870BA9C2-B58E-4230-A4BD-5CE031A276DC/0/deweprotocol.pdf
3. Scott, N.C.: ‘European practices with grid connection, reinforcement, constraint and charging of renewable energy projects’. Highlands and Islands Enterprise, 1st August 2007, available at: http://www.hie.co.uk/HIE-economic-reports-2007/EU-practices-grid-connection.pdf