1. 2015 11th IET Int. Conf. AC and DC Power Transmission Birmingham UK P. Bordignan G. Bathurst Delivery of the Nan'ao multi‐terminal VSC‐HVDC system
2. 2015 EPE‐ECCE Europe Z. Wandi X. Wei S. Zhang Development and test of a 200 kV full‐bridge‐based hybrid HVDC breaker 1 7
3. 2018 2018 Int. Power Electronics Conf. Niigata Japan H. Pang X. Wei Research on key technology and equipment for Zhangbei 500 kV DC grid 2343 2351
4. 2017 CIGRE Technical Brochure 683 Paris France C.M. Franck R. Smeets Members A3/B4.34 Technical requirements and specifications of state‐of‐the‐art HVDC switching equipment
5. Theory and application of the commutation principle for HVDC circuit breakers;Greenwood A.;IEEE Trans. Power Appl. Syst.,1972