1. ITU‐T Rec. H.261: ‘Video codec for audiovisual services at p × 64 kbits/s’ 1990
2. ITU‐T Rec. H.262 and ISO/IEC 13818‐2: ‘Information technology – generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: video’ 1995
3. ITU‐T Rec. H.263: ‘Video coding for low bit rate communication’ 1996
4. ISO/IEC 11172‐2: ‘Information technology – coding of moving pictures and associated audio for digital storage media at up to about 1.5 Mbit/s – part 2: video’ 1993
5. ISO/IEC 14496‐2: ‘Information technology – coding of audio‐visual objects – part 2: visual’ 1999