1. Model validation for the August 10, 1996 WSCC system outage
2. U.S.‐Canada Power System Outage Task Force: ‘Final report on the August 14 2003 blackout in the United States and Canada: causes and recommendations’ April 2004. Available at:http://energy.gov/oe/downloa‐ds/blackout‐2003‐final‐report‐august‐14‐2003‐blackout‐united‐states‐and‐canada‐causes
3. North American Electric Reliability Council: ‘Compliance templates for the NERC planning standards’ June 1998. Available at:http://www.nerc.com/comm/PC/Agendas%20Highlights%20and%20Minutes%20DL/1998/ct‐9806a.pdf
4. Verification of models and data for generator excitation control system or plant volt Var control functions NERC Standard MOD‐026‐1 10 December 2012. Available at:http://www.nerc.com/docs/standards/sar/MOD‐026‐1_clean_2012Dec11.pdf
5. Verification of models and data for turbine governor and load control or active power frequency control functions NERC Standard MOD‐027‐1 4 October 2012. Available at:http://www.nerc.com/docs/standards/sar/MOD‐027‐1_clean_2012Sept11.pdf