1. UN‐Habitat: ‘Cities and climate change mitigation’. Available athttp://unhabitat.org/urban‐themes/climate‐change/ accessed 2 April 2019
2. United Nations Environment Programme: ‘UN environment 2018 annual report’. Available athttps://www.unenvironment.org/resources/un‐environment‐2018‐annual‐report accessed 2 April 2019
3. UN‐Habitat: ‘Housing & slum upgrading’. Available athttps://unhabitat.org/urban‐themes/housing‐slum‐upgrading/ accessed 2 April 2019
4. ITU‐T Supplement Y Suppl. 45 to Y.4000 series: ‘An overview of smart sustainable cities and the role of information and communication technologies’ September 2017
5. ITU‐T Resolution 98:‘Enhancing the standardization of internet of things and smart cities and communities for global development’ 2016