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2. Shoikhet Ya.N., Kiselev V.I., Loborev V.M., Sudakov V.V., Algazin A.I., Demin V.F., Lagutin A.A. Nuclear test on August 29, 1949. Radiation effect on the population of the Altai Territory. Barnaul, 1997. 268 p. (in Russian).
3. Shoikhet Ya.N., Kiselev V.I., Loborev V.M., Sudakov V.V., Algazin A.I., Lagutin A.A., Zaitsev E.V., Kolyado I.B., Zelenov V.I., Gabbasov M.N., Goncharov A.I. Radiation impact on the population of the Altai Territory of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site. Barnaul, 1999. 346 p. (in Russian).
4. Report «On the state and protection of the environment of the urban district – the city of Barnaul, Altai Territory in 2019». Barnaul, 2020. 200 p. (in Russian).
5. Report «On the state of sanitary and epidemiological wellbeing of the population in the Altai Territory in 2019». Barnaul, 2020. 250 p. (in Russian).