Endoscopic submucosal dissection is considered curative for patients with early rectal cancer when level of submucosal invasion is < 1000 microns with favourable histopathological features. Recent data suggests even deeper submucosal invasion can potentially be curative if R0 resection can be achieved and when no high-risk histopathological features are seen in the resected specimen. To achieve R0 resection, deeper dissection is required.
A 66 year old New Zealand European male presented with 3 mo history of per rectal bleeding. He was referred for a colonoscopy test to investigate this further. This revealed a malignant appearing lesion in the rectum. Biopsies however showed high grade dysplasia only. Given endoscopic appearances suspicious for deep submucosal invasion, patient was consented for endoscopic intermuscular dissection (EID). The case was successfully performed, and the presence of muscularis propria was confirmed in the resected specimen. There were no complications and total procedure time was 124 min. Lesion was clear of radial margins however deep margins were positive confirming it was at least a pT2 cancer. Patient was recommended to have further treatment but could not have radical surgery due to comorbidities and instead was referred for long course chemoradiotherapy.
EID is a safe and feasible option for management of rectal cancer in highly selected patients.
Baishideng Publishing Group Inc.