1. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain)
This article proposes a methodology for the design of off-grid electricity systems based on renewable energies in rural of developing countries communities that never consumed electricity.
The state of the art is reviewed and the methodology aggregates proposals from multiple previous works. It is divided into phases: Data Collection, Assessment, Planning/Modelling and Execution. The main actors and their responsibilities are explained. Rarely considered stages such as co-design with the beneficiary community or the creation of a renewable energy community are included. Their necessity for the implementation and success of these projects with social, economic and environmental objectives is discussed.
The application of the methodology is illustrated with first results from a case study in Mumbeji, Zambia, Africa. The project stakeholders, the results of demand curve estimation, power generation curves, available resources, engineering costs and the modelling of the microgrid design are presented.
Keywords: Hybrid renewable energy systems; Rural electrification; Off-grid rural communities, Energy simulation.