1. Universidad de Sevilla (España)
Over the years, different technological breakthrough such as electricity or automation have marked a before and after in the industry, giving rise to the various industrial revolutions. Studies on technological implementation within Industry 4.0 reflect how the development of increasingly advanced and innovative technologies is generating new ethical challenges in industrial environments.
Know the origin and give answers to the effects of these challenges is an incentive for the European Commission in presenting a new industry model. This new model, called Industry 5.0, arises to promote principles of social justice and sustainability. It provides a change of focus to serve humanity in the long term, take care of the environment and guarantee the business structure.
In this paper, a bibliometric analysis of the Industry 5.0 concept is carried out in order to present its main characteristics and learn about the different lines of research that are guiding its development. In addition, it delves into their main objectives and how they seek to be satisfied by including a series of values. After the analysis, a non-exhaustive list of values is presented to show in detail the change of approach, as well as the benefits for the interested parties.
Finally, a series of conclusions about the concept of Industry 5.0 is obtained. These conclusions, because of the established search criteria, delve into the expected role of the human factor within the new industrial paradigm. A proposal of possible future lines of research is resented in the search to lay the foundations of the new industry model.
Keywords: Industry 5.0, Society 5.0, Social-smart Environment, Ethics, Values, Human factor, Industrial Safety, Value Sensitive Design.
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4 articles.