Journal quality criteria: Measurement and significance


Kirillova O. V.1ORCID,Tikhonova E. V.2ORCID


1. Association of Science Editors and Publishers

2. MGIMO University; RUND University


The landscape of scientific communication imposes obvious requirements on its actors, which are not always unambiguously interpreted by the latter. The basic criterion of scientific communication is its quality. Since scientific journals serve as the main channel for rational debates based on facts, their quality level seems to be the most significant for the development of scientific knowledge. Today, scientific journals are undergoing a massive transformation: from changing the format of content presentation to becoming a body of collective communication. These changes cannot but affect the quality characteristics of journals. Since the changes are multilateral in nature, the scientific, editorial, and publishing communities have not formed an unambiguous opinion about which criteria of the journal characterize its quality aspects, and which can be attributed to “formal”, “technical”. In this article, the authors, based on Russian and international expert opinion, analyze the quality criteria for journals. Based on the data of the questionnaire developed by the authors, which considers the categories and criteria of the Scopus expert system, a survey of editors (n = 130) of Russian scientific journals was conducted. The questionnaire was completed anonymously, and the study participants were made aware of its objectives. The data obtained made it possible to analyze the editors’ ideas about the qualitative characteristics of a scientific journal and their influence on its promotion. A sufficiently deep understanding by the editors of the essence and specifics of the analyzed characteristics was recorded. At the same time, certain aspects require targeted work on their optimization and development. There is also an obvious need for further research on the topic, considering the subject field of journals traditions.


Association of Science Editors and Publishers







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