“Issa open your books għax ser nibdew il-lesson tal-English...”: The impact of Maltese primary school teachers’ language backgrounds on linguistic identities, language use, and pedagogical practices


Panzavecchia MichelleORCID


Bilingualism is a quintessential feature of being Maltese, as speaking multiple languages is an integral part of the island’s culture and history of foreign occupation and colonisation. Bilingual identities are shaped by language acquisition and socialisation, and educators construct their own linguistic identities and pedagogies through personal, educational and professional experiences. Maltese teachers believe that they organically use fluid language practices such as code-switching and translanguaging in their classrooms; however, they are uncertain about the benefits of these practices, and how they can utilise them in a structured manner, especially in view of the increase in linguistically diverse classrooms as a result of recent demographic shifts. This paper focuses on the way that Malta’s socio-cultural context shapes teachers’ linguistic identities, and how this may in turn impact their pedagogy. This study also supports previous research advocating the use of hybridised language practices as the way forward within linguistically diverse classrooms.


Institute for Education

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