1. From the National Center for Register-based Research (N.C.M., O.P.-R., E.A., M.K.C., S.D., J.-C.P.G.D., T.M.L., P.B.M., K.L.M., C.B.P., L.V.P., B.V., N.W., J.J.M.), Center for Integrated Register-based Research (E.A., P.B.M., C.B.P.), the Departments of Biomedicine–Human Genetics (A.D.B.) and Public Health (M.K.C., M.F.-G., K.M.I., M.V., A.P.), the Center for Integrative Sequencing (A.D.B.), and the Big Data Center for Environment and Health (C.B.P.), Aarhus University, the Lundbeck Foundation Initiative...