1. From the University of Melbourne (A.L., F.Y.S.K., S.P., E.P.F.C., N.C., J.S.H.), the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre (C.K.F., M.Y.C., C.S.B., E.P.F.C., J.S.H.), and Monash University (C.K.F., M.Y.C., C.S.B., E.P.F.C.), Melbourne, VIC, Macquarie University, Macquarie, NSW (J.A.), Central Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney (D.J.T.), Sydney Sexual Health Centre (A.M., B.D.), and the School of Population Health (A.M.) and the Kirby Institute (D.J.T., M.L., B.D., D.G.R., J.K....