Cahyaningutomo Christophorus Divo Shubma
Housekeeping is the smallest community of a society. Household a happy, safe, and secure into everyone's dream. Wholeness and harmony of a household can be impaired if the attitude, behavior, and self-control can not be controlled. Ultimately can occur domestic violence causing insecurity or injustice against people who are within the scope of the household. From the result of the violence, the victim should be restored to rise physical and psychological conditions. Inhibiting factors is a recovery of victims of domestic violence is that most of the victims do not want to restore condition, efforts to resolve it provides socialization, convincing victims of domestic violence to want to restore, to supervise the victims have been recovered. Supporting factors is the facility is being used in the recovery process is adequate, the victim does not charge at all during the recovery process. In conclusion, the service process and the recovery of victims of domestic violence conducted by the relevant institutions have been equally effective and in accordance with the legislation in force. Saran, We suggest to set up a special team to handle the implementation of the recovery of victims of domestic violence.
Universitas Negeri Semarang
Cited by
1 articles.
1. Domestic Violence: Victim Recovery;Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence;2023-10-30