Supronowicz Robert,Fryc Irena
In this paper we are focusing on analysis of spectral power distribution (SPD) LED's lamp impact on botanical light pollution, described in relation to full moon light. We introduced new index RMPI which is called Photosynthesis Index in Relation to Moon. We found that in the case when lighting are realized by using LED luminaires instead of high pressure sodium (HPS) or metal halide (MH) lamps, light influence on plant vegetation process amplifies. Additionally our research shows that lamp's CCT is not a sufficient indicator of botanical light pollution and only SPD should be used for this purpose. Full Text: PDF ReferencesP. Tabaka, I. Fryc, Landscape Lighting as a Source of Light Pollution - the Effect of the Seasons on this Phenomenon, Lighting Conference of the Visegrad Countries, Lumen V4, 10.1109/LUMENV.2016.7745541 (IEEE 2016) CrossRef I. Fryc, F. Bisegna, P. Tabaka, Lighting on Recreation Grounds as a Source of Sky Glow - the Influence of Luminaire Type on this Phenomenon, Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2017 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe) 2017 IEEE International Conference, doi: 10.1109/EEEIC.2017.7977724, (IEEE 2017) CrossRef I. Fryc, P. Tabaka, Zanieczyszczenie Nocnego Nieboskłonu Światłem Emitowanym Przez Oprawy Oświetlenia Zewnętrznego, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny R. 93, No 6, doi: 10.15199/48.2017.06.1, (2017) CrossRef H.E. Schwarz, et al, Light Pollution: The Global View, ISBN 978-94-017-0125-9, (2003) DirectLink M. Aube, J. Roby, M. Kocifaj, Evaluating Potential Spectral Impacts of Various Artificial Lights on Melatonin Suppression, Photosynthesis, and Star Visibility, PLoS One CrossRef M. S. Sankhla, K. Sharma, R. Kumar, Impacts on Human & Environment of Night Time Galore International Journal of Applied Sciences and Humanities, Issue: 2; Vol. 3 (2019) CrossRef M. Tanaka, T. Horiuchi, S. Tominaga, Color Control of a Lighting System Using RGBW LEDs, Color Imaging XVI: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications, 78660W) CrossRef M. Mottus et al, Photosynthetically Active Radiation: Measurement and Modeling, Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology (2011) CrossRef J. Li, G. Li, H. Wang, X. W. Deng, "Phytochrome Signaling Mechanisms" The Arabidopsis Book Vol. 9, e0148 (2011) CrossRef J.B. Clark, G.R. Lister, Photosynthetic Action Spectra of Trees: I. Comparative Photosynthetic Action Spectra of One Deciduous and Four Coniferous Tree Species as Related to Photorespiration and Pigment Compements, Plant Physiol., NCBI 401-6 (1975) CrossRef DIN 5031-10, Optical radiation physics and illuminating engineering - Part 10: Photobiologically effective radiation, quantities, symbols and action spectra (2018) DirectLink C. ChiLing et al, Effect of Night Illumination on Growth and Yield of Soybean, Journal of Taiwan Agricultural Research, Vol.58 No.2, (2009) DirectLink J. Bennie et al, Ecological Effects of Artificial Light as Night on Wild Plants, Journal of Ecology, (2016) CrossRef W.R. Chaney, Does Night Lighting Harm Trees? Circular FNR-FAQ-17 ( 2002) DirectLink
Photonics Society of Poland
Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials