1. An estimate of the worldwide prevalence, mortality and disability associated with hip fracture
2. National Clinical Guideline Centre. The management of hip fracture in adults. London: National Clinical Guideline Centre, 2011.
3. National Hip Fracture Database. National Report 2012. www.nhfd.co.uk/20/hipfractureR.nsf/vwcontent/2012ReportDownload/$File/NHFD National Report 2012.pdf?openelement (date last accessed 22 August 2016).
4. No authors listed. Royal College of Physicians. Falls and fragility fracture audit Programme (FFFAP). https://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/projects/falls-and-fragility-fracture-audit-programme-fffap (date last accessed 22 August 2016).
5. No authors listed. British Orthopaedic Association. Standards for trauma. BOAST 1 Version 2. https://www.boa.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/BOAST-1.pdf (date last accessed 22 August 2016).