1. McGill University Health Centre, 1650
Cedar Avenue, Bureau B5.158.7, Montreal, Quebec
H3G 1A4, Canada.
2. University of Perugia, Department
of Internal and Cardiovascular Medicine and Stroke Unit, 06132
Perugia, Italy.
3. Duke University Medical Center, Box
102002, Durham, North
Carolina 27710, USA.
4. Thrombosis Research Institute and University
College London, Emmanuel Kaye Building, Manresa
Road, London SW3 6LR, UK.
5. Spine Center Copenhagen, Clinical
Trial Unit, Copenhagen University Hospital, Glostrup
DK-2600, Denmark.
6. Bâtiment Recherche – Hôpital Nord, CHU
de St Etienne. 42055 St Etienne, Cedex 2, France
7. Klinikum Frankfurt Höchst GmbH, Gotenstrasse
6-8, Frankfurt 65929, Germany.
8. Hamilton Health Sciences, General
Hospital, 237 Barton Street, East
Hamilton, Ontario L8L 2X2, Canada.